Authored 59 books and Mentored Thousands of IT Students/professionals/Entrepreneurs
Dr. Deepak's worldwide professional experience in several spheres of Information Technology is over 39 years.
59th Book Release "डिजिटल युग "
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Deepak is my schoolmate. After our school-days long back, we went into two different corners of the nation. However, we were constantly in touch with each other. It was a pleasant shock to all the schoolmates to learn about him:
I have known Mr. Deepak Shikarpur for over 2 decades now first as a colleague in the Mahratta Chamber of Commerce, where he headed the IT committee and then as the Chairman of CSI and for many years as a fellow IT Professional.
Deepak is one of the most outstanding IT Leaders of Maharashtra. He combines in him great business acumen, a track record of success in various business and academic roles and a passion for community and national and state leadership.